Tag Archives: travel tips

My Travel Tips

My Common Travel Tips These travel tips here are just common travel tips to anyone. Travel light – Do not bring too many things.  Too many times have I seen people who leave with half of their closets and personal belongings only to realize that not only do they not need the things, but also that they are exhausted from carrying …

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3 Principles You Should Never Forget When Traveling

When you are traveling, there are some unwritten laws that I believe should be followed.  They are more moralistic than real laws, but still nevertheless I feel that they are relevant to all travelers. Manners It’s all about the experience How fortunate you are These may seem like a somewhat different list, but it is what I feel works.  People should …

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The worst place I’ve been?

So, last night at a dinner someone asked me what the worst place that I have experienced was. Their reasoning for the question was because everyone always asks about the best, so they wanted to know the worst. Fair question I thought, but I realized that it was not such an easy one to answer. Realistically, it would be easy …

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